Worcestershire 2022 Festival

In support of the grants and services provided by the Masonic Charitable Foundation, the Worcestershire 2022 Festival appeal was launched in January 2017.

For further information, please visit the Worcestershire 2022 Festival website.

How to get involved

You can support us by creating a fundraising page or making a donation to the appeal.

  • Donate: enter your lodge number below, click on "Donate" and complete the following steps.
  • Create a fundraising page: click on "Start Fundraising" and proceed as requested.

If you are member of a lodge or chapter, please add the unit number with the prefix L (lodge) or C (chapter) to ensure donations are recorded correctly for honorific purposes. Otherwise, please enter any other information that will help the us to identify the donor.

Our Supporters

Resources and guides

Credit Card Donation Form (PDF)

Single Donation Form (PDF)

Direct Debit Form (PDF)

Gift Aid Envelope Verification form (PDF)

Gift Aid Sponsorship Verification form (PDF)

Gift Aid Sponsorship form (PDF)

Miscellaneous Form (PDF)